Mabox in development...screenshots

I will be posting screenshots of currently-in-development projects and features that may end up in Mabox in the future in this thread.

In the depths of my disk, I have many projects that I have started but never finished. I sometimes forget about some of them and they are waiting until I accidentally encounter files, notes, or scripts related to them.

I might find it harder to forget about them if I post them here.

For now, I’m going back to reading books… :wink:


Colorizer is able to change Papirus Folder colors.
Quickly and without a need to type root passwod.

This one will land in repo soon :wink:


This will probably be the most useful tool for me in the coming weeks/months.

Todo Manager based on Todo.txt format as a dynamic menu (jgmenu) + Conky

No more piles of handwritten sheets of paper strewn across my desk. Ok, maybe there will be a few left :wink:

I put this together in the last couple of evenings, and the result is surprisingly good.

Maybe this tool will be included in the next release of Mabox. As an example of an advanced combination of jgmenu and Conky.


Fixes and improvements for the tools for setting and generating wallpapers in Mabox.
And there’s quite a bit of it :wink:

Fortunately, it’s almost done