How can I delete an item from the ‘Applications’ sub-menu?
Hello @vuott and welcome to the forum
This menu is automatically generated from applications available in the system.
What exactly do you want to achieve? Which menu item do you want to hide or remove?
BY using WINE, I installed some programs that only work on Window.
This resulted in the creation in the ‘Applications’ sub-menu of an additional ‘Others’ sub-menu.
Well, with WINE I recently installed a program, which obviously resulted in the creation of its own reference (item) in the ‘Others’ sub-menu of the ‘Applications’ sub-menu.
Others — the-win-program
I found that the program did not work well and therefore deleted it.
That item, which in the sub-menu refers to the deleted win-program, unfortunately remained; and I would obviously like to delete it.
How should I do this?
Let me make it clear that I obviously don’t want to delete the “Others” sub-menu, but only the “item” that refers to the win-program that I deleted.
See here…
Thank you.