Conky Network Bug

after the latest update Network conky no longer show graphs for upload/download and the wording are not displayed in english anymore.

Try right click on Conky and click context menu position: “Not working? Try to fix”

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hi, thank you for your time.
it fixed the language and the network interface is now correct, but still only one bar instead of two, and no graph.

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You are right, something is wrong with the config after conky update, i have to try to fix it.
Thanks for the info, will try it tomorrow :wink:


Glad to help. Thank you for the amazing linux distribution.

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Bugreport on Conky Github:


Same issue here, just started on Mabox a couple days ago (awesome work btw!). Did the conky also shrink in size? I remember it being the same width as Sysinfo but I might be wrong (and I did not figure out how to roll back to the previous version of a package, still learning!)

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I decided to remove buggy Conky version 1.18.1 from Mabox repo so please downgrade conky by command:

yay -Syyu
yay -S conky-no-nvidia
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Thanks that worked!
Oddly enough the initial update also replaced my conky Network script with the default, while leaving alone my edits to Sysinfo (again, still learning, I’ll open a separate ticket/post if need be)
EDIT: wait maybe “Not working? Try to fix” did that.

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Yes,“Not working? Try to fix” menu item is to find active Inet device - and it replaces part of config.
Everything inside “conky.text” part.


rm /tmp/xx*
cd /tmp

csplit -s ${CFGFILE} /conky.text/

#IFACE=$(ip route get | awk -- '{printf $5}')
IFACE=$(ip route get | awk '{for(i=1; i<NF; i++) {if($i=="dev") dev=i+1} print $dev}')

cat <<EOF >> /tmp/xx00
conky.text = [[
\${color}Device \${alignr}$IFACE
\${color}IP \${alignr}\${addr $IFACE}
\${color}Download \$color0\${downspeed $IFACE} \${alignr}\${color0}\${upspeed $IFACE}\${color} Upload
\${color2}\${downspeedgraph $IFACE 30,100 -t} \${alignr} \${upspeedgraph $IFACE 30,100 -t}
\${color}Total Down \${color0}\${totaldown $IFACE} \${alignr}\${color0}\${totalup $IFACE}\${color} Total Up
\${execi 30 netstat -ept | grep ESTAB | awk '{print \$9}' | cut -d/ -f2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr}

cat /tmp/xx00 > ${CFGFILE}

If you like to look and customize it - copy /usr/bin/ to ~/bin

cp /usr/bin/ ~/bin/

and edit here.

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Great thanks!
Just want to say as a 20+ year Debian/Ubuntu user, your distro finally managed to pull be to Arch. Well done!

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Thank you. Worked like a charm.

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