Another simple stupid script to quickly add url to mpv mb-music list.
Sort url’s out afterwards.
Add this (or similar) at the end of the yt_music_list.csv file
# File to append to
# Create the file if it doesn't exist
touch "$CSV_FILE"
# Get URL from user input (using zenity)
URL=$(zenity --entry --title="QUICK Add Youtube Url
to radio-mpv list" --text="fill in like this:
Band titel,<paste url here>" )
# Check if the user canceled the input
if [ -z "$URL" ]; then
exit 0
# Check for video or audio extensions
if true ; then
# Get the current date and time
DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Append to CSV file
echo "$URL" >> "$CSV_FILE"
zenity --info --title="URL Added" --text="The URL was added to $CSV_FILE."
# Show an error message if the URL does not match
zenity --error --title="Invalid URL" --text="The URL does not have a valid video or audio file extension."
I am aware of the geany method,
Thats fine for fine-tuning. Reoganising list.
And absolutly enough
But sometimes i am to restles to copy paste lines and comma’s with geany
I can be in a flow of collecting new streams, and like to add them easie and quick.
Some streams don’t work and so i can quickly test first if everything is fine.
I stop using Invidious links. They not always stream.
# File to append to
# Create the file if it doesn't exist
touch "$CSV_FILE"
# Get clipboard content (requires xclip)
CLIPBOARD=$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)
# Check if clipboard is empty or does not contain a valid URL
if [[ -z "$CLIPBOARD" || ! "$CLIPBOARD" =~ ^https?:// ]]; then
yad --warning --title="Clipboard Invalid" \
--text="The clipboard does not contain a valid URL.
Please copy a URL and try again."
exit 1
# Get artist, title, and URL from user input using yad
ENTRY=$(yad --form --title="Add Stream to Mabox mpv List." \
--text="Please provide the following details to add stream to the list : \n\n\
Only fill in Category to start new one:"\
--field="URL :":TEXT "$CLIPBOARD" \
--field="Artist :":TEXT \
--field="Title :":TEXT \
--field="Category :":TEXT )
# Check if the user canceled the input
if [ -z "$ENTRY" ]; then
exit 0
# Split the input into variables
URL=$(echo "$ENTRY" | cut -d '|' -f 1)
ARTIST=$(echo "$ENTRY" | cut -d '|' -f 2)
TITLE=$(echo "$ENTRY" | cut -d '|' -f 3)
CATEGORY=$(echo "$ENTRY" | cut -d '|' -f 4)
# Validate the input
if [ -z "$ARTIST" ] || [ -z "$TITLE" ] || [ -z "$URL" ] ; then
yad --error --title="Invalid Input" --text="All fields must be filled."
exit 1
# Append to CSV file
if [ -z "$CATEGORY"] ; then
echo "$ARTIST - $TITLE,$URL" >> "$CSV_FILE"
notify-send -i media-tape -t 50000 "$ARTIST - $TITLE" "Added to the playlist"
echo "$CATEGORY,-" >> "$CSV_FILE"
echo "$ARTIST - $TITLE,$URL" >> "$CSV_FILE"
notify-send -i media-tape -t 50000 "$ARTIST - $TITLE" "Added To $CATEGORY"