Virus & malware "Perfectl"

Hello everyone, I don’t know if this is the place for this post.
I got this note (it’s in Spanish, it’s up to you to translate it).

What are our chances of being infected?
Is there any check we can do to find out and correct the situation?
It caught my attention because it is precisely related to

‘the unusual increase in CPU usage’

, which is something that has been worrying me for some time and due to my lack of knowledge I don’t know how to solve it.
Do you recommend installing an antivirus?
I hope you answer me, you are the ones who know.

For those interested, here is the article analyzing this threat. A nice reading as the malware has a good number of Shell Script code.

The virus campaign is aimed to Linux servers with web services exposed to Internet. Must of us, good @Claudio, don’t use our day to day computers for that. An antivirus for Linux, in my humble opinion, is overkill as long as you follow the simple rules (valid for any OS) of not downloading weird stuff, visiting non reputable sites, not clicking links you don’t know or trust and installing all your software from oficial repositories.

You can always boot your computer with the latest ISO and look for the files and folders mentioned in the article.


Thanks @M0nst3r , I will read the article and check my computer as you recommend, I don’t use the internet to visit ‘weird or dangerous’ sites, the normal for any user, check emails, sometimes listen to the radio, watch a video on youtube and things like that so in that sense I am calm, anyway it is not superfluous to make the review.
Again, thank you very much.