[update] 2023-05-11 - New colorizer module, Music menu, Conky custom cmds fix

Some interesting updates today…

Conky special Mabox handling

Important fix for adding left click custom menus for Conkies

You can configure custom left-clik menus for any Conky…

Right click on any Conky… then select Edit cmd menu (left-click) for…

Syntax is very simple just LABEL,command.

If there is only one line, command will be executed - so Conky will work like an icon/launcher.
If more lines are defined menu will be shown.

Read comments in created csv file.


Big rewrite of the menu bound to right-click on the panel’s volume icon.
Now it is also a basic and lightweight mpv-based music “launcher”, good for playing radio or long streams - I use it for coding sessions (to play some background music)
Example playlist provided.
Requires yt-dlp, so:

yay -S yt-dlp

Not a replacement for full-featured music players (and never will be)


  • a lot of cleaning, polishing
  • Menu module - added Quick menu tweaks - to quickly apply some non-color related settings which affect menu appearance (solid color - gradient) (opacity) (padding)

  • brand-new module to colorize and configure Cava - audio visualizer