Testing labwc

Changing stuff to get used to the code.


How to exclude [xdg-shell] from OSD preview. (alt-tab)


man labwc-config

hit / and search for windowSwitcher

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sfwbar and Alt-tab.

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Just learned: Minimize to background.

wlrctl toplevel minimize 'state:active'


Labwc labwc-contrib

No need for wlrctl for that.
This is built in action in both Labwc and Openbox.

 <action name="Iconify" />
           Iconify (minimize) focused window.
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I followed this tutorial and now i am running Labwc with Nvidia.


What i am now facing creating this post is.

Dragging the screenshot to FF window does not work.
I needed to use the buttons to attached this image.

  • From Pcmanfm to another Pcmanfm dragging works.

I think i read something about the dragging issue.

At least one step futher in running with Nvidia drivers.

To be continuedā€¦


Labwc labwc-contrib

edit: installed digital font for clock. updated preview.

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Nice :slight_smile:
If you want normal window decorations for Firefox, checkā€¦
Normal window decorations in Firefox

@muzqs What are your impressions after a few days with Labwc?

Mine are very positive :slight_smile:

But for now, Iā€™m focusing on Openbox for a few days - we have a lot of cool improvements, and it would be good to release a refreshed ISO soon.

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In the beginning I had to push myself a bit. Jumping into new syntax.
Mainly because I am so fond of your work with jgmenu etc.

But after fiddling around I am starting to really like it.

Thats one reason I wanted it running on my baremetal nvidia box.
With Qemu i didĀ“t have sound etc. I didĀ“t want to invest in Qemu to fix those things.

  • One thing with jgmenu = It does not close the menu.
    I read that a user created a script with kind of work a round (keybind click close).


Do you have a link?

You can close Jgmenu also by Esc key.
Jgmenu is for X11ā€¦
If I decide to use Jgmenu with Labwc, I will probably implement some kind of ā€œclose buttonsā€ using widgets - but that a long way. I will probably spend the next few weeks thoroughly exploring the foundations of Labwc and programs designed for Wayland.

I didĀ“t made a bookmark of the post. Need some time to look if i can find it again.


Donā€™t waste time looking for it, itā€™s not important at this point. It was probably something like killall jgmenu.

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Small update after running labwc with Nvidia.

Labwc runs full functional on my laptop. (intel)

Nvidia seems still have some weird behaviour.

  • Dragging file to let say Geany, not working.
  • Dragging filemanger ā†’ filemanger, works.
  • Labwc, config files weird behaviour. (partly working)


Suddenly most of my bindkeys where not working anymore.

Frustrating weird behaviour. things where partly working.

Then i found a stupid Typo at the top of the xml.

F4<?xml version="1.0"?>

Came there without notice. :exploding_head:

I am checking jgmenu and vis. Replaced terminator for foot.

The weird thing is that some commands from rc.xml are not working.

I have hotkey for colorizer-vis . But wont work.
As other scripts are fine and others not.

colorizer-vis -s


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A lot to say :speech_balloon: after some hours finding out a new workflow.

mabox-labwc Dark-Blue preview and fuzzel command.

Labwc is quick in response. The display is Crips&Clear in colors. Vis runs better than ever.

Fuzzel App Launcher.

fuzzel  --background=212121ff --font Source Code Pro:style=Bold   --text-color=1EE4FFff  3A9E70ff --prompt-color=1EE4FFff --match-color=03FA35ff --selection-color=1E90FFff  --input-color=C5E0D6ff --border-color=1E90FFff --selection-text-color=E7EDF2ff --selection-match-color=E7EDF2ff  --border-width=3 --border-radius=2


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What I experience is that when i move scripts to /usr/local/bin.
They seam to work better.
Some scripts wont allways launch from panel from ~/bin.
