Terminal Kitty : Temas Y Configuracion


  • This is a tutorial on how to install customize kitty terminal, and its most stable and basic configuration you can configure more things let’s start.

  1. To install kitty use the following command:

$ sudo pacman -Sy kitty

enable_audio_bell no

include  ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf

#include color.ini

font_family      HackNerdFont
font_size 13

disable_ligatures never

url_color #61afef

url_style curly

map f1   copy_to_buffer a
map f2   paste_from_buffer a
map f3   copy_to_buffer b
map f4   paste_from_buffer b

cursor_shape beam
cursor_beam_thickness 1.8

mause_hide_wait 3.0
detect_urls yes

repaint_delay 10
input_delay 3
sync_to_monitor yes

map ctrl+shift+z toggle_layout stack
tab_bar_style powerline

inactive_tab_background #e06c75
active_tab_background #98c379
inactive_tab_foreground #000000
tab_bar_margin_color black

map ctrl+shift+enter new_window_with_cwd
map ctrl+shift+t new_tab_with_cwd

background_opacity 0.95

shell zsh   #here goes zsh 0 bash de depending on your shell I use zsh
  1. we create a folder in the path ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes with the following command :
$ mkdir -p  ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes 
$ cd  ~/kitty/kitty-themes
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dexpota/kitty-themes.git ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes

3.Choose a theme and create a symlink:

$ cd ~/.config/kitty
$ touch theme.conf
$ ln -s ./kitty-themes/themes/ayu.conf  ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf           

  • To change the theme just put the name of the theme in the symbolic link for example :
    $ ln -s ./kitty-themes/themes/ayu.conf ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf

Any questions or advice I am available! I hope it is useful!!!


Gracias por compartir :love_you_gesture: Thanks for sharing.


NB. Kitty terminal background lives for tens of seconds only because Mabox ‘knows’ that it is a terminal and overwrites with that of Terminal theme of Mabox Colorizer.

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Mabox have theme.sh configured by default to easily choose from ~400 themes available → GitHub - lemnos/theme.sh: A script which lets you set your $terminal theme.
Just type:


and you can select theme you need interactively.

If you don’t like that and want to configure terminal theme yourself then you have to look at .bashrc and disable theme.sh


Thanks ever so much.

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whatever you need we are here to help colleagues

kitty.conf file update

editor nano
allow_remote_control yes
startup_session  ~/.config/kitty/session.conf
clipboard_max_size 64
allow_hyperlinks yes
shell_integration enabled
enable_audio_bell si
include ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes/gruvbox_dark.conf

#include color.ini
font_family      HackNerdFont
font_size 13

disable_ligatures never

url_color #61afef
url_style curly

#: Copy to clipboard
map f1   copy_to_buffer a
map f2   paste_from_buffer a
map f3   copy_to_buffer b
map f4   paste_from_buffer b

cursor_shape beam
cursor_beam_thickness 1.8

mause_hide_wait 3.0
detect_urls yes

repaint_delay 10
input_delay 3
sync_to_monitor yes

map ctrl+shift+z toggle_layout stack
tab_bar_style powerline

inactive_tab_background #e06c75
active_tab_background #98c379
inactive_tab_foreground #000000
tab_bar_margin_color black

map ctrl+shift+enter new_window_with_cwd
map ctrl+shift+t new_tab_with_cwd

background_opacity 0.92

shell /usr/bin/zsh   #here goes zsh 0 bash de depending on your shell I use zsh
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This is the file as I have it for my needs, you create the ones you need

new_tab Home
layout splits
cd ~
launch zsh

new_tab Compilar
cd ~/work
launch zsh

new_tab Scripts
cd ~/binarios
launch zsh

new_tab Descargas
cd ~/Descargas
launch zsh

new_tab kitty
cd ~/.config/kitty
launch zsh

new_tab Apt
cd /etc/apt
launch zsh

new_tab Nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
launch zsh