Steam dropdown don't work just after installing Mabox

I just installed the Mabox linux and steam runtime on it immediately. When I want to choose the properties of any game the dropdown button does not work. I guessed there was a problem with steam but it seems this problem has been there for quite a while. I assume there must be a simple trick to just get things work with mouse options. However, I can’t find a way to change Mabox/openbox options to fix this. I would appreciate any help if somebody knows how to fix this.

to: @smhcpp
As an outsider I tried to understand your question. In two different Mabox installation entered
yay -S steam-native-runtime
then pressed Super typed steam selected native
Entered and dowloaded a free game …
I was able to select Properties only after entering into Big display mode
Does it help you in any way?

I have the same problem. Installing steam works but change steam settings under Storage for example or change the client language in the dropdown menu wont work.

I found a workaround according to :
Hold ctrl while left click. It seems to be a steam issue.

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