[Stable Update] 2023-11-13 - Kernels, KDE Gear, LibreOffice, LXQt, Pipewire,

Another Manjaro stable branch update :slight_smile:


Thank you.

Still couldnโ€™t because I have the same problem as @Jaroms with jre-openjdk and jre-openjdk-headless dependencies error. :thinking:

Hi @M0nst3r, have you read the announcement and especially Known issues and solutions part?
[Stable Update] 2023-11-13 - Kernels, KDE Gear, LibreOffice, LXQt, Pipewire, Phosh, Firefox, Thunderbird - #2 by philm - Stable Updates - Manjaro Linux Forum

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Yes, I did:


Tried to remove the jre-openjdk-headless (as it seems better with less dependencies) but also throws error. Donโ€™t want (yet) to remove jre-openjdk as it has many dependencies; Iโ€™m a little bit worried to break something here. :sweat_smile:

From one of the replies:

sudo pacman -R -dd jre-openjdk
sudo pacman -R -dd jre-openjdk-headless
sudo pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk

Worked fine. Thank you. :+1: