[SOLVED] PYRADIO Title-Log, from menu not working

Hi @sng ,

I am facing a title log issue.

  • When I open Pyradio with mb-music (now with -tl added) the title log is generated during playtime.

  • When I start Pyradio from the Menu, Title log does not work.

  • ‘W’ gives the last new fav title. After that it stops again with generating new titles.

LOG FILE … Pyradio opened from the MENU.
logfile edited because of to large.

2023-06-08 17:24:32,659 - pyradio.server:setup():807 - INFO: <<<===---  Program start  ---===>>>
2023-06-08 17:24:32,659 - pyradio.server:setup():811 - INFO: TUI initialization on python v. 3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 15:52:25) [GCC 12.2.1 20230201] on Mabox Linux
2023-06-08 17:24:32,661 - pyradio.config:is_blacklisted_terminal():2570 - ERROR: 

[psutil.Process(pid=138377, name='bash', status='sleeping', started='17:18:05'), psutil.Process(pid=138338, name='terminator', status='sleeping', started='17:18:04'), psutil.Process(pid=1, name='systemd', status='sleeping', started='16:13:31')]

2023-06-08 17:24:32,661 - pyradio.server:setup():832 - INFO: Terminal supports 256 colors (first color to define = 15)
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:read_theme():622 - ERROR: 

names = {'Stations': ['#72b581', '#2d0e19'], 'Active Station': ['#bcb69f'], 'Status Bar': ['#2d0e19', '#72b581'], 'Normal Cursor': ['#361632', '#9d5a52'], 'Active Cursor': ['#4b1b31', '#72b581'], 'Edit Cursor': ['#eed6aa', '#4b1b31'], 'Extra Func': ['#752835'], 'PyRadio URL': ['#4b1b31'], 'Messages Border': ['#4b1b31'], 'Border': ['#72b581']}

2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:_calculate_fifteenth_color():673 - DEBUG: Stations background color: #2d0e19
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():58 - INFO: Calculating color15...
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():61 - DEBUG: Luminance color factor = 0.1
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():63 - DEBUG: color2: (45, 14, 25)
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():70 - DEBUG: hls: [0.9408602150537635, 0.11568627450980393, 0.5254237288135594]
2023-06-08 17:24:32,662 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():81 - DEBUG: color is dark = True
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():101 - DEBUG:   luminance 0: 0.21568627450980393
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:calculate_fifteenth_color():121 - DEBUG: color15: [84, 26, 47]
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:read_theme():662 - INFO: read_theme(): calculated color15 = #541a2f
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:read_theme():669 - ERROR: 

{'data': {1: (114, 181, 129), 2: (45, 14, 25), 3: (188, 182, 159), 8: (45, 14, 25), 9: (114, 181, 129), 4: (54, 22, 50), 5: (157, 90, 82), 6: (75, 27, 49), 7: (114, 181, 129), 13: (238, 214, 170), 14: (75, 27, 49), 12: (117, 40, 53), 11: (75, 27, 49), 10: (75, 27, 49), 16: (114, 181, 129), 15: (84, 26, 47)}, 'css': {1: '#72b581', 2: '#2d0e19', 3: '#bcb69f', 8: '#2d0e19', 9: '#72b581', 4: '#361632', 5: '#9d5a52', 6: '#4b1b31', 7: '#72b581', 13: '#eed6aa', 14: '#4b1b31', 12: '#752835', 11: '#4b1b31', 10: '#4b1b31', 16: '#72b581', 15: '#541a2f'}, 'transparency': 2, 'Name': 'mbcolors', 'Path': '/home/vogel/.config/pyradio/themes/mbcolors.pyradio-theme'}

2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():166 - INFO: =============
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():167 - INFO: transp = False
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():193 - DEBUG: --> 1 transparency: OFF (use_calculated_colors: True, has_border_background: False)
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():166 - INFO: =============
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():167 - INFO: transp = False
2023-06-08 17:24:32,663 - pyradio.themes:_do_init_pairs():193 - DEBUG: --> 1 transparency: OFF (use_calculated_colors: True, has_border_background: False)
2023-06-08 17:24:32,664 - pyradio.player:probePlayer():2733 - INFO: Probing available multimedia players...
2023-06-08 17:24:32,664 - pyradio.player:probePlayer():2736 - INFO: Implemented players: mpv, mplayer, vlc
2023-06-08 17:24:32,664 - pyradio.player:check_player():2771 - INFO: <class 'pyradio.player.MpvPlayer'> supported.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,666 - pyradio.player:check_player():2775 - DEBUG: <class 'pyradio.player.MpPlayer'> not supported.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,667 - pyradio.player:check_player():2771 - INFO: <class 'pyradio.player.VlcPlayer'> supported.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,667 - pyradio.player:probePlayer():2745 - INFO: Available players: mpv, vlc
2023-06-08 17:24:32,668 - pyradio.server:setupAndDrawScreen():973 - DEBUG: body starts at line 2, ends at line 51
2023-06-08 17:24:32,668 - pyradio.server:initBody():1092 - DEBUG: maxY = 48, maxX = 103
2023-06-08 17:24:32,670 - pyradio.server:_redisplay_stations_and_playlists():9641 - DEBUG: clearing window from line 35 to end.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,672 - pyradio.server:ll():379 - ERROR: DE ==========
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():380 - ERROR: DE ===> setup
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():381 - ERROR: DE NORMAL_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():382 - ERROR: DE PLAYLIST_MODE: 0, 0, 0
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():383 - ERROR: DE REGISTER_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():385 - ERROR: DE
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():386 - ERROR: DE p NORMAL_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():387 - ERROR: DE p PLAYLIST_MODE: 0, 0, 0
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:ll():388 - ERROR: DE p REGISTER_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():9905 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Handler for signal SIGHUP registered
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():9905 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Handler for signal SIGTERM registered
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():9908 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Failed to register handler for signal SIGKIL
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:run():1679 - INFO: (detectUpdateThread): session locked. Not starting!!!
2023-06-08 17:24:32,673 - pyradio.server:run():1698 - INFO: (detectUpdateStationsThread): not starting; session is locked!!!
2023-06-08 17:24:32,679 - pyradio.player:play():1372 - INFO: Selected Station: DroneZone
2023-06-08 17:24:32,809 - pyradio.player:_buildStartOpts():1738 - DEBUG: --input-ipc-server is supported.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,809 - pyradio.player:_buildStartOpts():1770 - INFO: Using profile: "[pyradio]"
2023-06-08 17:24:32,809 - pyradio.player:play():1382 - INFO: Executing command: mpv --no-video --quiet --playlist=https://somafm.com/dronezone130.pls --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket.146700 --profile=pyradio
2023-06-08 17:24:32,811 - pyradio.player:updateMPVStatus():818 - DEBUG: MPV updateStatus thread started.
2023-06-08 17:24:32,811 - pyradio.player:play():1453 - DEBUG: playback detection thread started
2023-06-08 17:24:32,811 - pyradio.player:play():1464 - INFO: ----==== mpv player started ====----
2023-06-08 17:24:32,811 - pyradio.server:_set_active_stations():4832 - ERROR: DE active_stations = 

[['DroneZone', 0], ['DroneZone', 0]]


2023-06-12 13:29:21,471 - pyradio.player:probePlayer():2736 - INFO: Implemented players: mpv, mplayer, vlc
2023-06-12 13:29:21,472 - pyradio.player:check_player():2771 - INFO: <class 8
2023-06-15 21:02:51,935 - pyradio.server:start_remote_control_server():722 - INFO: Remote Control Server listening on
2023-06-15 21:02:51,935 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4472 - INFO: player_disappeared = False
2023-06-15 21:02:51,935 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4483 - INFO: w_header = " "
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():379 - ERROR: DE ==========
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():380 - ERROR: DE ===> setup
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():381 - ERROR: DE NORMAL_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():382 - ERROR: DE PLAYLIST_MODE: 0, 0, 0
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():383 - ERROR: DE REGISTER_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():385 - ERROR: DE
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():386 - ERROR: DE p NORMAL_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():387 - ERROR: DE p PLAYLIST_MODE: 0, 0, 0
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:ll():388 - ERROR: DE p REGISTER_MODE: 0, 0, -1
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():10059 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Handler for signal SIGHUP registered
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():10059 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Handler for signal SIGTERM registered
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:_register_signals_handlers():10062 - DEBUG: SetConsoleCtrlHandler: Failed to register handler for signal SIGKIL
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:run():1697 - INFO: (detectUpdateThread): distro installation detected. Not starting!!!
2023-06-15 21:02:51,937 - pyradio.server:run():1720 - INFO: (detectUpdateStationsThread): checking 
2023-06-15 21:04:33,725 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:34,757 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:35,787 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:36,820 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:37,852 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:38,878 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:39,902 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:40,932 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:41,961 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:42,993 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:44,020 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:45,080 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
20_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:55,456 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:56,484 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:57,512 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:04:58,542 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21nt_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info

[['Ambient Sleeping Pill', 9], ['Ambient Sleeping Pill', 9]]

2023-06-15 21:25:55,478 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4472 - INFO: player_disappeared = False
2023-06-15 21:25:55,478 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4483 - INFO: w_header = " "
2023-06-15 21:25:55,988 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:25:56,147 - pyradio.log:_write_title_to_log():550 - CRITICAL:     Sachi Kobayashi - Nostalgia
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.player:_set_mpv_playback_is_on():1320 - INFO: *** _set_mpv_playback_is_on(): Start of playback detected ***
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.config:add():2971 - DEBUG: Adding station history item...
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.config:_show_station_history_debug():2945 - DEBUG: >>> Stations history
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.config:_show_station_history_debug():2948 - DEBUG:    ['stations', 'Dicks Dutory_debug():2948 - DEBUG:    ['stations', 'DeepSpace', 6]
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.config:_show_station_history_debug():2948 - DEBUG:    ['stations', 'Ambient Sleeping Pill', 9]
2023-06-15 21:25:56,198 - pyradio.config:_show_station_history_debug():2949 - DEBUG:    item was = 7
2023-06-15 21:25:56,199 - pyradio.log:_write_title_to_log():571 - CRITICAL: >>> Station: Ambient Sleeping Pill
2023-06-15 21:25:56,199 - pyradio.server:_enable_player_crash_detection():2086 - INFO: Enabling crash detection
2023-06-15 21:25:57,010 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:25:58,044 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:25:59,075 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:26:00,112 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:26:0
2023-06-15 21:26:06,343 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:26:07,395 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:26:08,437 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /html/info
2023-06-15 21:26:08,893 - pyradio.player:updateMPVStatus():940 - INFO: MPV updateStatus thread stopped.
2023-06-15 21:26:08,911 - pyradio.player:_kill_process_tree():1565 - DEBUG: PID 791907 (and its children)  killed...
2023-06-15 21:26:08,915 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4472 - INFO: player_disappeared = False
2023-06-15 21:26:08,915 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4483 - INFO: w_header = " "
2023-06-15 21:26:08,915 - pyradio.server:ctrl_c_handler():1825 - ERROR: signum = 0
2023-06-15 21:26:08,915 - pyradio.server:ctrl_c_handler():1826 - ERROR: frame = 0
2023-06-15 21:26:08,921 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4472 - INFO: player_disappeared = False
2023-06-15 21:26:08,921 - pyradio.server:_show_recording_status_in_header():4483 - INFO: w_header = " "
2023-06-15 21:26:08,921 - pyradio.config:save_config():2293 - DEBUG: saved params = {'mpv': [1, 'profile:pyradio'], 'mplayer': [1, 'profile:pyradio'], 'vlc': [1, 'Do not use any extra player parameters']}
2023-06-15 21:26:08,921 - pyradio.config:save_config():2298 - INFO: Config not saved (not modified)
2023-06-15 21:26:08,922 - pyradio.server:_handle_client_connection():765 - INFO: Accepted connection from -> /quit
2023-06-15 21:26:08,923 - pyradio.server:start_remote_control_server():744 - INFO: Remote Control Server exiting...
2023-06-15 21:26:08,924 - pyradio.config:remove_session_lock_file():1882 - INFO: Lock file removed...

  • The log runs longer in time. [21:01 - 21:26 minutes] no title log.
  • These are the last songs in the title log. [title log until 21:01]
jun 15 (do) 19:43 |     SomaFM ID - And That's the Story
jun 15 (do) 19:43 |     Moduleset - Sunburns
jun 15 (do) 21:01 | === Logging started
jun 15 (do) 21:01 | >>> Station: Dicks Dub Shack
jun 15 (do) 21:01 |     The Upsetters - Rastaman Shuffle - Reel III - Dub Adventurer

If you need more info, let me know. :sparkler:


Slowly realizing -tl is not the default feature for Pyradio.
And should be added with -tl.

And ‘W’ is for favorite songs.

Pyradio is still new to me, maybe i am missing something.

1 Like


Simple solution i could not accept at first, or something.

Added this to pyradio.desktop to start pyradio.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

function pyradio_ONOFF {
	pidof -x pyradio

if ! PID_ON
       # terminator --icon /usr/share/icons/pyradio.png  -x  /usr/bin/pyradio -lt # i wanted to have the pyradio icon
       pyradio -lt

    notify-send -i pyradio -t 2000 "Pyradio is already active"

EDIT: I am messing around. and should stop searching for now :sleeping:… Sorry for the interruptions…work in progress.

edit:script…exclude terminator.

1 Like