A little experimentation for the new year 2023
Picom surprises positively
Looks like riced GNOME, everything is thick
Done some fixing on scripts for desktop switch, wheel now makes desktop either go up or down in terms of numbers.
Audacious script just removed the “am I running already” part in it, it will exhaust my HD with al write/remove PID every second. Also fixed icons and it will display on “playing”, “paused” and stopped.
Both script were provided by Mabox and are NOT written by me, just changed.
The panel will autohide to have max screen space available…
Napcok already fixed the found conky you see on screen.
In my case, I could set Audicious & Pyradio notifications just within @napcok Network Conky… instead of setting in tint2 panel because my panel is running out enough space to monitor so many notifications (including your great weather full script… ) Still working in the brewery and emptying all beer tank valves
@bootz Are you going to share your fixes with us?
Yes I will in the correct section. But don’t expect major changes and again, these are my own preferences.
Hahehehaa my bad…! This should be for January I guess… well Nick0 got ol’school photography this time from 1900’s my street hometown.
Fresh Mabox user.
Checking it out on 2 core, 4 gig ram.
Replaced tint2 for xfce4 panel.
Enjoying the system very much.
Hello @muzqs and welcome to the forum
Just out of curiosity, why did you replace Tint2 with the XFCE panel?
Is something missing in Tint2?
probably wallpaper from windows bug
Hi @napcok,
Thanks for the welcome.
I am using xfce4 panel because I am using a genmon script for my vpn. The green dot turns red when my vpn is not on. It also shows my public location with ‘ipgeo’. And when i click the dot, speedtest-cli with yad shows the speed of the connection.
I have not yet looked into how to add a script to tint2, to do the same.
Though i think tint2 suits better then xfce4 panel. The xfce4-panel has limitations using with openbox.
At the moment I know my way around better with xfce4-panel.
Soon to check out tint2.
Mabox encourage to explore further.
small clarification scrot.
Background generated with magic tool.
At the top are separate panels, with their settings.
I tried to respect the mabox layout. Like the side menu panels. (jstools)On the bottom right a panel with shortcuts to the most fav music streams, played with audacious.
This panel is set to auto-hideThe bottom panel displays track info from audacious.
The last picom .conf helped me a lot to be able to get the panels like this.
Another talented artist.