Show your desktop - December 2020 and January 2021

It is true that December is almost over, but … My old man is the one that suits me best.

Il est vrai que décembre est presque fini, mais … Mon vieux est celui qui me convient le mieux.

Co prawda już grudzień prawie się kończy, ale … Mój stary i zarazem najbardziej mi taki odpowiada.

Additionally, on the top panel, I added a few programs after installing from AUR repositories (LibreOffice 7.0.3-2, Krusader, Stacer, Google Earth and Qnapi).

De plus, sur le panneau supérieur, j’ai ajouté quelques programmes après l’installation à partir des référentiels AUR (LibreOffice 7.0.3-2, Krusader, Stacer, Google Earth et Qnapi).

Dodatkowo na panelu górnym dodałem po instalacji z repozytoriów AUR kilka programów (LibreOffice 7.0.3-2, Krusader, Stacer, Google Earth i Qnapi).


Change of wallpaper. Found this one online…

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I see you are using French (Langue Française) as the system language. I also used French before (in the Xfce and MATE environment), currently, until I examine the OpenBox settings, I have French set to the number and date formats.
But when I know all the settings exactly - I will change it to the French system language.
Note: If we want to reduce the size of the graphics then here can be changed.