[Request] Conky -> system update cli

Hi @napcok ,

Is it possible to add a finish text to cli-update (conky).
Sometimes it’s not clear if the update is done and finished.

Like in the pic.
It looks like it’s still updating the ‘MIME type cache’.
But the process is finished, “ENTER” closes the window.

Could it be something like.
When job is finished – “Update process finished, enter to exit window.”



Good catch, I will try to figure it out.

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This is a bug… and possibly occurs in more than one place.

@muzqs If you referring to default Sysinfo Conky’s left click menu… You can right click on Conky and edit commands here.

Replace ${FINISHED} with message you like.

You can also do this quickly with command like this:

sd -s '${FINISHED}' "Finished! Hit ENTER or close this window" ~/.config/conky/menuscripts/sysinfo.csv 

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Yes indeed. I used your command-liner, Yay-cli end now with a message. Thanks for the fix.
Saves me from gazing to the update process to finish … :robot: