PyRadio themes

Hi everybody!

Pyradio introduced real color themes (CSS colors), so some of you asked on telegram how to create their own themes…

So, here it goes :slight_smile:

First of all, go into your pyradio config folder and create the themes directory

cd ~/.config/pyradio
mkdir themes

Then create an empty file, using the name of the theme as you want it to appear in pyradio theme selection window…

I will create a theme called test, so

cd themes
touch test.pyradio-theme

Then open the file you just created in a text editor and paste the follwing:

# Main foreground and background
Stations            #8b8198 #fbf1f2

# Playing station text color
# (background color will come from Stations)
Active Station      #d57e85

# Status bar foreground and background
Status Bar          #fbf1f2 #d57e85

# Normal cursor foreground and background
Normal Cursor       #fbf1f2 #dcb16c

# Cursor foreground and background
# when cursor on playing station
Active Cursor       #fbf1f2 #d57e85

# Cursor foreground and background
# This is the Line Editor cursor
Edit Cursor         #fbf1f2 #bfb9c6

# Text color for extra function indication
# and jump numbers within the status bar
# (background color will come from Stations)
Extra Func          #69a9a7

# Text color for URL
# (background color will come from Stations)
PyRadio URL         #a3b367

# Message window borser foreground
# (background color will come from Stations)
Messages Border     #a3b367

Save the file, and you are done! (well, not exactly :wink: )
Your test theme will appear in pyradio theme selection window (under User Themes) next time you press “t”.

Now, all you have to do is change the colors in the file, test and change again until you are satisfied!

Please do post here any themes you create for yourself; I would be more than happy to add them to pyradio.



One more thing…

Please make sure transparency is OFF when you create your theme…

T” (capital “t”) switches if on and off

When transparency is ON, the background color disappears, so that’s not what you want when you are creating a theme :wink:


Muchas gracias dear @sng you keep doing an amazing job and well these tweaky theme tutorial is just awesome & a plus ricing gift. Adding @napcok 's Mabox Colorizer will make simpler creating and modifying theme I am sure.
Many thanks again. ( as I promised in telegram channel I will try doing some themes and share with you all)


Just started customizing & ricing Pyradio following your clear instructions to tweak that template file you’ve provided previously; it is an easy peasy job using Colormenu & Colorizer tools:


My first try


Nice work @ben_chile and @napcok

I really like these themes!

My color combination skills are terrible :cry:

Guys, also check the “Extra Func” color; pres any number to see it, ESC to hide it…

Also @napcok the URL is not visible :wink:

1 Like

Hi @sng
I have question about your last commit: restoring theme file watch, for testing purposes · s-n-g/pyradio@fce2d25 · GitHub
Sounds like super cool functionality …
Do you plan to make it available to users in future versions of PyRadio? - by default or as a flag in the configuration file.


Hi @napcok

The commit you are referring to is just for testing purposes for the files watch functionality.

The idea is to have a user theme that you can flag (probably pressing “c”, that would not only make it default but also start a thread to watch for date modification and/or size changes of the file the theme corresponds to.

So, yes, it will be available to the user.

In the configuration file you can have

theme = test

to load the default theme test at program startup, or

theme = *test

to load the default theme test at program startup and watch its file for changes

This way, any program can change the file, and pyradio will automatically load the new colors

This will not be the default behavior though, as it means that one more thread will be running all the time…


Getting there…

Cycling through the System Themes



Hey! That’s really nice. Easy on the eyes too. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing.


Guys I’m almost ready to release a new version…

It will probably take a couple of days… so, if you have any themes you’d like to be included, just post them here! (the files, not just the images :wink: )

A last minute modification…

Please add this to your theme

# Theme Transparency
# Values are:
#   0: No transparency (default)
#   1: Theme is transparent
#   2: Obey config setting
transparency        0

This way you can instract PyRadio to enable or disable transparency when it displays your theme!

Obey config setting” means that the theme will look good both with transparency set to on and off… It will be transparent when transparency is on in the config, it will not be transparent when transparency is off in the config… This is the case of the “dark” and “dark_16_colors” themes, for example.


This addition will break all themes for version, please do not use it with this version, just add it to the themes you will post here (the themes to be used with v.!


I will share my theme I called as Minima in the Telegram Channel. It is easier to upload and download files there.


I share & leave you my Minima.pyradio-theme below. I hope it is all running good I also left this same file document in Mabox Telegram Channel. :smiley:

# Main foreground and background
Stations            #1E2128 #C0D2C4

# Playing station text color
# (background color will come from Stations)
Active Station      #d57e85

# Status bar foreground and background
Status Bar          #fbf1f2 #D70F33

# Normal cursor foreground and background
Normal Cursor       #1AA085 #93E5CC

# Cursor foreground and background
# when cursor on playing station
Active Cursor       #fbf1f2 #D70F33

# Cursor foreground and background
# This is the Line Editor cursor
Edit Cursor         #fbf1f2 #bfb9c6

# Text color for extra function indication
# and jump numbers within the status bar
# (background color will come from Stations)
Extra Func          #69a9a7

# Text color for URL
# (background color will come from Stations)
PyRadio URL         #1AA085

# Message window borser foreground
# (background color will come from Stations)
Messages Border     #1AA085


Hi @ben_chile

Yes, I saw it on telegram too!

I will call it “minima_by_ben_chile.pyradio-theme” if you don’t mind…



PyRadio released!

Theme watch and auto update finally implemented!
Themes now have a “transparency hint”; which works like this:

Setting transparency to

  • 0: means that the theme looks better with no transparency (default)
  • 1: means that the theme looks better when transparency in ON
  • 2: means that the theme looks good either way, and the global transparency setting (defined in PyRadio config file) can be used.

All themes which have a dark background are currently set to 2, all other themes are set to 0.

So, @napcok you can leave the config file setting we talked about, as it is… (or not :wink: )


Already in Mabox repo.

Thanks @sng :slight_smile:


Good morning everybody!

Great news for all you ricing lovers out there :laughing:

Here you can find 230 plus pyradio themes, thanks to the work by pyradio user edunfelt (Emilia Dunfelt) · GitHub

These themes are auto created from the base16-project · GitHub project

pyradio will be able (soon, very soon :wink: ) to autoload these themes, provided that the user has installed and used this project: GitHub - tinted-theming/base16-shell: Base16 for Shells


Wow, stunning number of themes.

Mabox users will soon have another toy related to PyRadio, because I have just started writing a PyRadio “module” for Colorizer - so far it can generate a theme from the colors of the wallpaper: dark or light.
I am just starting to script single color replacement …
Also comming soon;)


Hi guys!

New PyRadio release!

PyRadio can now sync (watch themes) with base16, pywal and