Pyradio / lolcat

Hello good afternoon, I am a Spanish-speaking user and I bring a design that I found
with a few simple steps; kitty tools, pyradio,lolcat and some kitty terminal configurations and run the following command in terminal: $ pyradio | lolcat


Can you please post your configuration, or explain how it was done?


[ Traducción de Google :wink: ]
¿Puede publicar su configuración o explicar cómo se hizo?


¿era “pyradio | lolcat”?

yes, of course, no more than that I am preparing the script so that it is understood as easily as possible

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oh, ok

if only that creates an alias and launcher
to open it

Esto es lo que obtengo con “pyradio | lolcat”
¿Qué fuente está usando?


Disculpa, dijiste “kitty”, la imagen es de otro terminal… En “kitty” funciona bien!

if kitty images are displayed and has less load on the gpu

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/home/everado17/.config/kitty/kitty.conf this is the configuration and type this command in linux terminal.
$pyradius | lolcatI

enable_audio_bell no

include color.ini

font_family      HackNerdFont
font_size 13

disable_ligatures never

url_color #61afef

url_style curly

map f1   copy_to_buffer a
map f2   paste_from_buffer a
map f3   copy_to_buffer b
map f4   paste_from_buffer b

cursor_shape beam
cursor_beam_thickness 1.8

mause_hide_wait 3.0
detect_urls yes

repaint_delay 10
input_delay 3
sync_to_monitor yes

map ctrl+shift+z toggle_layout stack
tab_bar_style powerline

inactive_tab_background #e06c75
active_tab_background #98c379
inactive_tab_foreground #000000
tab_bar_margin_color black

map ctrl+shift+enter new_window_with_cwd
map ctrl+shift+t new_tab_with_cwd

background_opacity 0.95

shell bash

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@everardo17 Utilice el formato de código cuando desee pegar texto en el foro. Es mucho más conveniente leer y copiar que las imágenes.

I had never published anything, until now but I learn fast I am a person who likes to learn and improve what is useful and functional