Problem with battery icon

Hello !
I have a problem with the latest iso (mabox-linux-21.02-rc3). The battery icon is black (the rest of the system tray icons are white) and so not visible…

You can see this on this screenshot :


I think icon comes from xfce4-power-manager, don’t know how to change it…

… but you can play with our beloved tint2 to try workaround this :wink:

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Playing with tint2 settings does not resolve the issue. So i had uninstall xfce4-power-manager. The battery module of Tint2 already show the battery status? With no icon but it does the work. So i think that i’ll stay with it. It seems a Xfce4 4-16 issue as i’ve seen some messages about this problem on the Manjaro Forum…

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Any advanced of this ?

I have the same problem…