Up until the release of 21.06, I ABSOLUTELY love the hard work that’s been put into creating this distro. It’s refined, polished and powerful. I, however, do have a concern about the window grid function that is being implemented, in that, it is my fear that Openbox might be turned into a tiling window manager. As a user of Openbox for MANY years, I found the stacking window function more to my liking than the tiling options like i3 or bspwm. If it is planned that this tiling function ( I do see the value of it) be permanent, please give us old-timers the option to disable or remove the packages so the original purpose of Openbox as a stacking window manager is maintained.
Again, my hat is off to you for creating a computing environment that I feel extremely comfortable in, but please consider what old farts like me found in using Openbox-- unrestricted freedom.