Hi, I installed Mabox a week ago and I’m pretty satisfied, especially when I see it takes only ~480 MB of RAM and returns very close to that value when I close all programs. Also bonus points for the incredible cozy look. Congratulations.
Now about my issue.
I have several folders with more than 2,000 files each and PCManFM v1.3.2 shows them properly, BUT, at the location “/home/USER/.cache/thumbnails/normal” only thumbnails for videos are created and none for image files or pdf files. So every time I open one of those folders, PCManFM begins again to recreate those thumbnails, by the time it reaches the last file in the directory, probably 3 or 4 minutes had passed.
Any idea what I have to tweak to make PCManFM to write those thumbnails permanently in the .cache folder?
Yes, I believe my preferences are the right ones, even I changed the file size to “0” because I have many pics bigger than 10MB and thumbs were not showing with the 4096 KB.
I just erased the content of “…/.cache/thumbnails/normal” and I ran a fresh Test for demonstration purposes, and again only thumbs for videos and PDFs are generated in the Cache folder.
It seems to me that the program works exactly as you configured it. If the file is larger than 0KB (i.e. each image), PCManFM does not generate a thumbnail.
It happens that when raising the value above 4096 KB even as high as 20480 thumbnails for files as small as 5.1 MB won’t have any thumbnail in PCManFM and only the JPG icon is shown.
Looking for a solution I found out that setting the value to “0” will make PCManFM to show the thumbnail no matter the size, and indeed does. That said, the Cache problem remains, no thumbs are generated there for jpg, png, webp, neither gif.
I just tried to generate thumbnails with Thunar and it was a complete failure, so the problem looks like system-wide.
Question: I suspect I’m the only one having this issue as I don’t see similar reports, then, would you recommend a Mabox fresh install as remedy?
Note: ffmpegthumbs is already installed.