Ya se que hay cientos de gestores de notas para consola, pero yo estoy aprendiendo, con la ayuda de AI hago las prácticas, estudio los códigos, le pido explicaciones, y así me entretengo.
Soy muy cararrota, apenas sé dos líneas de scrpting, así que le pedí ayuda a la inteligencia artificial. Le di los detalles del proyecto que quería desarrollar y generó la base del proyecto, luego la fui modificando artesanalmente hasta que quedó como yo lo quería, le pedí que lo analizara para ver si había errores y quedó armado.
Por si a alguien le interesa, lo pueden ver y/o descargar en
I know there are hundreds of console note managers, but I’m learning, with the help of AI I do the practices, I study the codes, I ask for explanations, and that’s how I entertain myself.
I’m very cheeky, I barely know two lines of scripting, so I asked the artificial intelligence for help. I gave it the details of the project I wanted to develop and it generated the base of the project, then I modified it by hand until it was how I wanted it, I asked it to analyze it to see if there were errors and it was done.
In case someone is interested, they can see and/or download
Silicon Valley startups are getting cheeky with AI too—using it to generate complex scripts without real coding skills.
That said, I think learning with AI is much better than just Googling forums for fragmented solutions. This is what i did for about 6 years.
And of course learned with RTFM. With that background it is easier to aks to generate a bash function and understand it.
I have to admit, I’m a bit cheeky too.
Though Mabox’s jgmenu? That’s a different story—it’s unique and not exactly AI-friendly. It got me thinking… what if there was an AI model trained specifically for Mabox jgmenu scripting? First, I’d need to dive into deep learning to create a model.
Small note:
It’s a bit of a shame your script and README.md are only in Spanish.
You could consider adding something like this to the script to support multiple languages for the tui menu:
case "$LANG" in
NEW_NOTE="nueva nota"
DELETE_NOTE="eliminar nota"
NEW_NOTE="nowa notatka"
DELETE_NOTE="usuń notatkę"
NEW_NOTE="new note"
DELETE_NOTE="delete note"
# Usage in the script
This is something I picked up from Mabox scripts.
Most of them already support translations in Polish, Spanish, and English—worth checking out!
En realidad en el script sólo puse español como una pequeña venganza hacia los que sólo documentan en inglés, y el inglés realmente me tiene podrido, odio esa hegemonía. De todos modos, como dije, está el README en inglés, desde el principio (no soy tan egoísta como la cultura anglosajona, por eso acá escribo en mi idioma y en inglés. Lamentablemente no sé polaco, ruso, mandarín ni nahuatl, aunque me gustaría.)
The README is in English on github: README-en.md. It was always there.
I’ll take note of your words.
Actually, I only put Spanish in the script as a small revenge towards those who only document in English, and English really has me fed up, I hate that hegemony. Anyway, as I said, there is the README in English, from the beginning (I am not as selfish as Anglo-Saxon culture, that is why I write here in my language and in English. Unfortunately I do not know Polish, Russian, Mandarin or Nahuatl, although I would like to.)
I’m not sure if my example of adding translation to the TUI menu was clear after reading your response. The README is fine as it is.
I wasn’t referring to the comments in the script explaining how the functions work.
The TUI is in Spanish, meaning it’s only useful for Spanish-speaking users. However, since it uses very basic language with simple words, it’s safe to translate using AI or DeepL without much risk of errors.
If your goal is just to make the script usable for Spanish speakers, that’s completely fine. However, for now, I can’t use or test it.
Explain $LANG Function
$LANG is an environment variable in Linux and other Unix-based systems that defines the system’s default language and locale settings. It helps determine how programs and scripts display text, sort data, format dates, and more.
echo "Current language setting: $LANG"
Example Usage:
case "$LANG" in
NEW_NOTE="nueva nota"
DELETE_NOTE="eliminar nota"
NEW_NOTE="nowa notatka"
DELETE_NOTE="usuń notatkę"
*) # Default to English
NEW_NOTE="new note"
DELETE_NOTE="delete note"
# Using the translated text in the script
echo "$NEW_NOTE"
echo "$ETC"
How It Works:
The script checks $LANG and assigns text based on the language.
If it starts with es (Spanish) or pl (Polish), it sets the corresponding translations.
If no match is found, it defaults to English.
This allows automatic language adaptation without manual changes.
Personally, I wouldn’t translate it to Mandarin though.
Entiendo perfectamente tu intensión y agradezco tu ayuda, pero te recuerdo que yo apenas sé un par de letras en estos temas, recién me estoy aventurando con mucho descaro en el scripting. Y repito: soy muy, muy descarado.
Escribí este posteo como un niño que hace un muñeco de barro y se lo muestra a su mamá diciendo “¡Mamá, mirá lo que hice!”
I completely understand your intention and I appreciate your help, but I remind you that I barely know a couple of letters on these topics, I am just venturing very boldly into scripting. And I repeat: I am very, very brazen.
I wrote this post like a child who makes a clay doll and shows it to his mother saying “Mom, look what I made!”
¡JAJAJAJAJA! Esto es una cadena de malos entendidos.
No consideré el “KISS” para nada en mis respuestas. El ejemplo del muñeco de barro fue sólo para ilustrar mi actitud al mostrar el script.
Bueno, algo que no podrá mailinterpretarse:
Nos seguimos leyendo…
HA HA HA HA HA! This is a chain of misunderstandings.
I didn’t consider the “KISS” at all in my answers. The clay doll example was just to illustrate my attitude when showing the script.
I would add, @danielhb, that you can improve and expand the $LANG escenario for this and future Bash projects in order to create separate language files and then import them accordingly (ie. with the dot command).