New Minimalist Theme

Hi, guys!
I have made a new minimalist desktop theme. I would like to know his opinion.
I’ll leave you some screenshots.It’s something simple. I just adjusted some styles to make them more minimalist.

The windows adjust themselves leaving a margin to give them a look similar to archcraft linux


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Hi @bellongart and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Looks nice :+1:

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Thank you! :grinning:

How to change theme because my tint2 theme setting in not changing it

Hello! In the directory ‘./config/tint2/’ you can find the available themes. I recommend you to create a new one. Just add the extension ‘.tint2rc’ to it. You can see the other files in the directory so you understand what its structure is like.
Then you must restart the tint2 service. You can do it from the right panel. I hope this is helpful for you. Greetings!