Mb-canvas `value to great`

Cannot generate backgrounds with mb-canvas.

Today i got a new monitor and added to my system.
Now i wanted to generate a background, but got the following output.

/usr/bin/mb-canvas: line 70: 2560x1440: value too great for base (error token is "2560x1440")

line 70


Two monitors.

HDMI-0 connected primary 2560x1440+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 597mm x 336mm

DP-0 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 527mm x 297mm

How to tackle this?


No space left on device

Just free some space?

No idea about second one…

This is my space situation.

3% used of 1.8TB.

/dev/nvme0n1p2  1,8T   44G  1,8T   3% /home
/dev/nvme0n1p2  1,8T   44G  1,8T   3% /var/cache

That’s what made me wonder.

Are you reading these messages? No space left … refers to /tmp

I have read them. :wink: Thats why i wonder soo…

sudo du -sh /tmp

16M	/tmp

This is not mutch.

The second one is convert replaced with magick. Sorry for the confusion.

It’s ok for now.
I will find something, need more time.


Info about deprecated command is not critical at all here - they still work whatever called.
Important lines (and probably problems) are:

  • one about “No space left on device” - /tmp
  • and maybe second one about “Value too great for base”

First one suggest you have /tmp directory located on disk partition which is 100% full
No idea about second one…


When i disable the big monitor, it generates backgrounds.

I reproduced the situation with an external monitor connected to a laptop generating backgrounds.

I get the same errors.

You don’t need to look into it. Not that important.
Just to let you know.


Quick edit.

I changed mb-canvas to give one output from one monitor.
This way the generation works and no errors.

size_values="$(xrandr --current | grep '*' | uniq | awk '{print $1}' > ~/.tmp/MAGICK)"

size="$(head -n 1 ~/.tmp/MAGICK)"


Just showing my personal workflow of using mb-canvas.

Not asking to change mb-canvas

SETTER="feh --bg-scale"; 

$SETTER "$DIR/$name" "$DIR/$name" && exit 0

$SETTER "$DIR/$name" "$DIR/$name"

Why I use SETTER with feh.

I use SETTER with feh because I frequently generate backgrounds and enjoy having beautiful images in the jgmenu header for screenshots.
I use two images so that each monitor displays the full image generated by ImageMagick, creating a more visually striking effect on each display. :cyclone:


The problem seem to be with the image format. It looks it want to allow 221GB for it on your 44G device … It could be that it’s corrupted or it cannot handle the image format.