Mabox btrfs-progs Snapper

Hi Community,

I must say I really think i like Mabox, its Base and its Openbox environment.
I really want to learn and use it. I read in the new Change-log of the latest version that there is btrfs-progs implemented.
there is one thing thats really important to me and that the possibility to secure and rollback the system if necessary, with a btrfs @ sub-volume system and snapper. Im already familiar with the installation and working with snapper.
but a noob on btrfs-progs usage.
thats why im asking, is somebody willing to help me with its setup?
(can`t find convincing tutorial)
so i can install snapper, snap-pac and grub-btrfs

thanks for a reply

Hi @pataud

Which changelog are you referring to?
I think you may be referring to some of the recent Manjaro releases.

Mabox ships with LTS 5.4 or 5.10 kernels which are probably to old(?) for proper Btrfs support.
From what I read, Btrfs support appeared in the Calamares installer along with Manjaro with kernel 5.13 if I remember correctly.

Maybe this howto will be good read for you :slight_smile:

There was a change-log ad on the homepage which said btrfs-progs included
id understood that it was your latest ISO release.
when ive read it wrong then i will have to wait until its implemented, so i can use snapper.. i will play a bit with the actual system, but Im very curious for a release
where its possible to install snapper, because the rest of system makes a great impression.
Thumbs-Up, good work…

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I originally installed Mabox to a btrfs partition which was working fine but was somehow not visible to other OS’s I installed later.

I backed up my latest Mabox installation by installing archsysback from the AUR and saving the timeshift package to another disk but haven’t used it to reinstall, yet.