Labwc (Wayland) and Mabox

I’ve been experimenting a bit with Labwc recently - a Wayland composer inspired by Openbox.

It looks like the next refreshed ISO will also include Labwc, in addition to Openbox :slight_smile:

Of course, Openbox remains the flagship project in Mabox. Labwc will be available for advanced users, experimenters, prototype testers.

What do you think about it?

For now, the necessary packages are slowly appearing in the Mabox repo.
They’re already here:

  • libsfdo
  • labwc
  • labwc-tweaks-git
  • sfwbar
  • labwc-menu-generator-git

So if you’re impatient, you can install those packages and get your hands dirty now :wink:

I plan to have two labwc sessions available:
- basic - for self-configuration
- and mabox-ified - with my experimental add-ons

More about Labwc: Labwc website | Labwc github repo


Can’t wait for it. I have experimented with Hyprland but not Labwc yet.
Labwc could be the wayland future of mabox :+1:

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I’ll try to publish an ISO before the end of 2024.

Don’t expect anything big. I’m new to Wayland and Labwc. It’ll be more like a base for DIY experiments :wink:

Session selection in LightDM…

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Some progress…

…but a lot of work ahead :wink:


On the menu’s :cook:

Nice to see jgmenu working. :penguin:

The other menu is generated with labwc, i guess.

It is good to see that most code is like openbox.

There was some talk from begin 2024 about no workspaces support.
A user came with a hotkey solutions. Is that still an issue?

I’ll wait for your next Mabox release to test it out. :space_invader:


Jgmenu is usable, but not 100% like on X11. I will use it anyway.
Native menu is ok… but it’s an entirely different league.

Workspaces works - mouse wheel over desktop switch them like in Openbox.

Waybar and sfwbar are powerful tools - but I don’t really know them at all yet.

A lot to learn…

Overall, after spending a dozen or so hours with Labwc I am very pleased :slight_smile:

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Is it more memory hungry than OpenBox ?

I haven’t checked it thoroughly, but it seems that the memory usage is at a similar level.

I have the impression that Labwc works faster and more efficiently.

I haven’t started Openbox for a few days - I’m a bit scared by this fact :wink:

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