Kernel panic after update (5m old system)

I have an old laptop running Mabox and the last image backup is from 02-2023. Now I tried to update this system. There were some warnings and errors related to keyring, but the update process ended and I did reboot. Then I got kernel panic and was not able to boot. So I went back to my backup. But what is the recommended procedure to get this system to most recent state?
Hope for Help!

I saw such a problem after the update
Here is an effective solution:

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Thanks, this could help. But now back on an old copy could I avoid this trap by editing the etc\mkinitcpio.conf to set the compression to gzip (remove the #) before running the system update process?
As I see Mabox is updating kernel to 5.4.249, and mkinitcpio to 36-2. So mkinitcpio uses zstd default then.