When i login labwc. The desktop is not reponding. No mouse.
When i click or do something with keyboard, an unclear/distorted boxie in the middle of the screen appears. Looks like workspace switch.
I had to reboot and go into tty and edit my lightdm.conf to not auto login, and change back to openbox.
Note: If you have your lightdm session to auto login. Change it first to manual login before login to labwc. So it is easier to switch when things are not going like it should.
Some info
Not sure if graphic card has influence…
video-nvidia 2024.05.03 false PCI
video-nvidia-470xx 2023.03.23 false PCI
video-linux 2024.05.06 true PCI
video-modesetting 2020.01.13 true PCI
video-vesa 2017.03.12 true PCI
video-linux 2024.05.06 true PCI
ps : @napcok if you need more system info, to get a better picture, let me know.
390xx don’t support Wayland at all, you must stay with X11 or use nouveau
470xx support Wayland, but it’s buggy and in some situations every day usage on Wayland may be unpleasant
550xx and newer - should work very well especially since 555xx series (which didn’t arrived to Manjaro and Mabox yet)
nouveau - works with all NVIDIA gpus (especially with older ones), supports Wayland very well but this is inefficient driver not for gaming or GPU tasks.
Well, for the moment I will leave this for those who have the time and experience to play.
I have noticed a competition between Wayland and X11 as Systemd vs No Systemd.
I wish for a day when we put egos to one side in pro of making a better Linux suitable for everyone.
Best of success
No, no, no. Better to not waste time for installing pre-release ISO on real hardware. Bugs are expected at this phase.
You might try to install sfwbar-git
yay sfwbar-git
Thos two pre-release ISOs and configurations available in the repo at the moment are really basic - more for experiments than to real use. Tomorrow I will publish new iso - this time with some goodies