Hello. I am new to Mabox and Openbox. I was wondering if there is a way to disable touchpad. Maybe a quick toggle? Thanks in advance.
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Hello @kckit1 and welcome to the forum,
this script should do the trick:
# Toggle touchpad status
# Using libinput and xinput
# Use xinput list and do a search for touchpads. Then get the first one and get its name.
device="$(xinput list | grep -P '(?<= )[\w\s:]*(?i)(touchpad|synaptics)(?-i).*?(?=\s*id)' -o | head -n1)"
# If it was activated disable it and if it wasn't disable it
[[ "$(xinput list-props "$device" | grep -P ".*Device Enabled.*\K.(?=$)" -o)" == "1" ]] &&
xinput disable "$device" ||
xinput enable "$device"
Save it as ~/bin/toggle-touchpad.sh
make it executable:
chmod +x ~/bin/toggle-touchpad.sh
and try.
Please let me know if it works for you. Maybe this script should be available by default in next Mabox releases.
Thanks for the welcome. I will try it and let you know if this works. Great work on the distro BTW!
Worked like a charm. Thanks again!
2 posts were split to a new topic: Jak wyłączyć touchpad?