Has anyone installed hyprland on mabox?

has anyone tried installing hyprland wm on mabox?if so did you encounter any issues?thank you in advance.i was just curious,i,ve been using openbox for years on arcolinux and love the way its been configured for manjaro,its already easy to customize on its own,the creators of mabox beautifully illustrate that fact,i was just curious about hyprland and the use waybar although i don,t believe i,ll try using hyprland on mabox myself,i,m quite pleased with my setup now.i,m running mabox on 3 different laptops and arco on a fourth.have a great day everyone and once again thanks in advance for any suggestions concerning hyprland.

There is such a big buzz about Hyprland that I think I’ll try it some weekend.
After the next update of the stable Manjaro branch.

Personally, I am addicted to tiling in terminals.
Two terminals next to each other, or three, or even four sometimes are very useful and convenient. And I have it all under the F12 key.

But “tiling” WM ? For me, this idea seems way too optimistic.

I’ll try… maybe I feel like a hacker in a movie then :stuck_out_tongue:

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I went full hyprland for a while using the awesome ML4W configs.

Smooth and visually great to say the less but at the end I came back to Mabox because tiling was kind of awkward in my laptop. Maybe it was me getting old :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There is a guide for Manjaro too in his YT channel.

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thank you,i,m 71yrs and quite honestly fooling around with my laptops keeps me feeling young as well as stupid at times,but learning is still fun.take care from oklahoma and thanks again for input.


you are the hacker,be the hacker,kidding aside,thank you for your reply.take care

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Not on Mabox, but on Manjaro (so basically same distro). I switched fully from KDE used by many years to Hyprland several month ago. And this was change to better :smiley: I didn’t used any preconfigured configs.

Biggest advantages for me:

  • tiling manager - you cannot cover one window with another (at least not easily) or minimize windows - this is good to my bad habit to have multiple instances of same programs (and often forget about them) i
  • dynamic tiling - in oposite to some other WM you don’t need to point where to start window, everything happen automatically
  • simple - configuration is really simple comparing to other WM

Here screenshot of my setup :wink:


thank you,i,m in the process of installing on arco now using pre-configs i found on youtube,i,d heard of folks having difficulties installing from previous postings on youtube but i noticed that these were from 2yrs ago,so i guess all the issues were worked out because i didn,t have a single problem,set up was easy,i don,t know why i was so worried.thank you tomek,your posting helped ease my mind,i don,t why i was so worried.take care from oklahoma.

Mabox will move eventually to labwc on Wayland. But it’s not a tiling desktop. It’s very close to OpenBox and that’s why Mabox seems to go this way.
I have tried Hyprland and find it a very interesting WM. But do no forget that you need to build a full desktop to have an interesting experience on Hyprland. It’s a lot of work if you want something nice. You will discover why desktop still exist ;=) It’s asking a lot of love to be a usable desktop. But if you are willing to do it and have time for it, it’s a great experience.

I disagree. It’s not that much work. Several days of experimenting is more than enough to build good and suitable desktop if you know what you want. It may take little more time if you beginner Linux user. Or if you isn’t perfectionist and don’t try to build alternative for Mabox - that may take months or years.

Well, I’m using Hyprland since some months ago and I still find improvement that makes me change important things on my desktop.
But I agree that a basic desktop is easy to build. But I want more than that.
You will want theming, wallpaper automaticaly changing, fancy cursors, and dock with fancy stuff on it : automatic update, stats, date/calendar, … It’s never totally finished …

Yep, I’m very minimalistic user, I don’t need or want any fancy stuff like atomatic changing wallpaper (very annoying, I prefer change manually 2-3 times in year), theming (I always set everywhere gruvbox and never change it), stats (annoying, I can’t concentrate on work if something is constantly changing on desktop so I have none on panel except for battery status on laptop).
Automatic update on rolling system is big no – you will have problems with that, updates can introduce something that may broke your setup – but notifications are ok, I have simple plugin for it on waybar