Fix keyring password prompt when opening MS Edge browser

Unlike with most browsers, I get a Keyring Password Prompt every time I open Ms Edge.

A simple fix in Debian-based distros references the /etc/apt folder which does not exist in Arch-based distros:

sudo curl https:// packages . microsoft . com/keys/microsoft.asc -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc
sudo apt update && apt upgrade

How can I fix this in Mabox ?

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I should clarify that I get this annoying prompt every “first” time that I open MS Edge (my preferred primary browser) after reboot. I still have not found a working solution to this problem. I tried using the seahorse utility but it also did not fix the problem.

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It appears that none of the forum users are using this software.
How did you install this MS Edge?
What is the name of the package you installed and where does it come from?

The commands you pasted has absolutely nothing to do with the problem described here. It deals with Debian-based systems and the configuration of their package manager. It doesn’t make any sense on Arch Linux based systems.

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I think it is the same problem for every chromium based browser (chrome, chromium, brave…)
Each machine reboot needs to reenter the key when launching the browser

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I think this is normal behavior. If you have set a password for the keyring, you must enter it afterwards to unlock it.

I personally always leave password empty, so I never asked for it by chromium.

Maybe this is worth to read:

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I am also running Microsoft-Edge web browser (developer version from AUR) because it runs really soft and lighter in Mabox and looks brighter and better visually. Well I have not had this keyring issue and it is working all good. Recommend it!