Finding & installing fonts in Mabox


I want to add more fonts to my new Mabox setup. Need to know:

  1. Procedures to installing new fonts
  2. Reviews and information on acceptable fonts.
  3. On-line sources of new fonts (can be used?)
  4. Procedures to remove unwanted fonts
  5. The maximum number of fonts can be supported (just in case I can’t remove most of current fonts)

I looked on-line and was instructed to install fonts in: /usr/share/fonts
In the fonts folder are 14 folders. I don’t know where to put the fonts. Also, not sure if I merely download and put in the correct folder or do process them by extracting - or whatever.

Thanks in advance

Hello @ArchNeoGuy, and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

There is a very good article about fonts on ArchWiki…