Error en actualizacion

Buenos dias llego una actualizacion con mas de 300 paquetes, hasta ahora nunca un problema, pero esta vez surgio uno ;

como puedo solucionar este problema, como borro la carpeta o si alcanza solo con borrarla

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Hi @juancuyo ,

You can remove python-charset-normalizer if you not using it. You can check this with.

pactree python-charset-normalizer

Uninstal python-charset-normalizer before upgrade.

sudo pacman -Rdd python-charset-normalizer

Install python-charset-normalizer again (after upgrade) in case the system uses it. Otherwise leave it uninstalled.

sudo pacman -S python-charset-normalizer

Next time:
Please copy output from terminal instead of an image. Handy for translations :wink:


Hello, good afternoon, I have followed your instructions and 366 packages were updated without problems, thank you for your dedication and time in helping me

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