Boot from PXE and NFS

I am trying to boot from PXE like this:

label Mabox 2022.8
    LINUX /iso/mabox2022.8/boot/vmlinuz-x86_64
    initrd /iso/mabox2022.8/boot/amd_ucode.img,/iso/mabox2022.8/boot/intel_ucode.img,/iso/mabox2022.8/boot/initramfs-x86_64.img
    imgargs vmlinuz-x86_64 initrd=initramfs-x86_64.img misobasedir=manjaro miso_nfs_srv=${IP}:/iso/mabox2022.8 misolabel=manjaro nouveau.modeset=1 i915.modeset=1 radeon.modeset=1 logo.nologo nonfree=no showopts ip=dhcp

Is anyone tried PXE?

(Other distros works on my pxe, so nfs and tftp are configured well, imho).


I don’t think that’s possible…
See: Installing off PXEBoot Server - Support - Manjaro Linux Forum

Did Maxim really do it?

I got running Manjaro KDE via PXE, so this is possible.
I can’t run Mabox via PXE. Maybe PXE and https, without nfs do the job?

edit again:
I got few checks, and find reason… at this point:
‘Mounting /dev/disk …’ - diskless client does not have interface addressed.
Ip=dhcp are in imgargs.

Something is missing or misconfigured, is anyone tested this pxe boot?