August ISO refresh - Mabox 21.08

The August Refreshed ISO images contain all the updates as of 8/12/2021


  1. Two small programs from LXDE added to default installation:
    LXRandR - for screen resolution change (saves automatically)
    LXinput - to configure mouse and keyboard

  2. Command Palette menu super + F1 now can be customized.

  3. updated Mabox Control Center and Welcome Screen

  4. small fixes in some pipemenus

  5. Only two virtual desktops by default - instead of four. Easy to add or delete by middle click on the desktop.


Download ISO images with LTS kernel 5.10 or 5.4 from:
Mabox repository
sourceforge mirrors

Enjoy :slight_smile:


If you like to install those two new packages and refresh settings menu run:

yay -S lxinput lxrandr
mb-reset mainmenu