Android in Mabox

Hi, is there any possibility for Mabox to recognise mobile phones connected via USB without having to resort to mtp detect? I mean in a direct way, something like plug and play, I don’t know how to express it in another way.
I would like to connect the mobile, open it from the file manager and be able to download images, upload or download music files.
In short, to facilitate the connection of mobile phones to the PC.
Thank you very much.

Hi Claudio,
to connect your mobile phone to Mabox you need kde-connect. It might sound strange to install components of KDE in a openbox environment but it work. I use kde-connect since years and I neverhave had any problems. So, give kde-connect a try.


Hi @bernd I didn’t succeed with kde connnect, what I did manage is to use mpt detect, I made a post about it, with that I solved the problem but I’m looking for something simpler, something that comes included with Mabox, for me and for new users, every day more and more people depend on mobile phones and for the newer, less knowledgeable ones I think it would be good to make things easier for them, although I understand that Mabox is not designed for inexperienced people like me who insist on using it anyway. It is in human nature to take the challenge and get rewarded for small achievements. I believe.

[> (Cannot share files via USB with my phone - #11 by Claudio)]

I have just tried it and it works perfectly, I just find it cumbersome to explain it to the people I am trying to bring into the Linux world through Mabox.

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It’s not easy to teach certain things to people who are less interested in technology than we are. Even today, I’m still amazed at how hesitant some people are about things that are completely normal for us. Connecting your cell phone to your PC is not easy. Either you use an app like kde-connect or you have to explain the Android file system so that the images can be found. My experience is that kde-connect is the easiest way to do it. The app is stable and with a little practice even someone who is not that interested in technology can do it.