A bit of distraction

Hi, I’m not a PC gamer, but I was curious, and a bit nostalgic for the old Tetris, so I decided to look in the game shop and I found Kblock, I installed it and tried it, it works very well and it’s graphically attractive. It doesn’t take up a lot of space or resources, you can play it for a while while you have a coffee to relax and get back to your activities.


For what I consider a bit more closer to the classic tetris game, ltris is a very close example. It can be installed through yay by using the command “yay -S ltris”. Here is a screenshot of it running. Give it a try, you may like it.


Hi @shortarcflyer
It looks very similar to the original, thank you very much.
I will try it out.

Jugando un poco con terminator, termimage, cava y pyradio

(Aún no sé bien la mecánica del foro, disculpen si esto no va acá)

Playing around with terminator, termimage, cava and pyradio

(I still don’t know the forum mechanics well, sorry if this doesn’t belong here)