Labwc In Mabox - status

(wiki post, updated frequently)

Current status: pre-release

pre-release iso image dated 2024-12-31 is available at repo server

“Stable” release date


Labwc WILL NOT be part of the upcoming Mabox Jaskier release.
It will be part of the next release - along with the long-delayed rewrite of Mabox tools and scripts (for Openbox).

Labwc 0.8.3 is planned for 21-Feb-2025, ideally on the same/next day, could be possible as cool-down period (fixes only) starts two weeks before.

“Stable” means - it will be included alongside Openbox in ISO, published on SourceForge and officially announced.

If you are impatient, you can install from pre-release iso and configure everything your way. Use labwc session for this. Thanks to our mb-reset script you will always have the possibility to import updated configurations later, e.g. to mabox-labwc session.

See: How to test Mabox Labwc pre-release iso with Qemu (Quickemu)

Plans TODO

Mabox will provide two sessions with Labwc

  • labwc - basic, do-it-yourself (without Mabox tools except pipemenus)
  • mabox-labwc - more customized

labwc - basic session

menu generator
basic useful panel: sfwbar (feature request) or/and waybar
launcher: bemenu A-F2
launcher: fuzzel (maybe, see: feature_request)
wallpaper setter wrapper
screenshots: whole screen Print or selected area W-Print
updates checker/indicator - already in waybar
notifications with actions
pipemenus: dirbrowser…
some easy to apply color schemes and size/font presets as pipemenu probably
runraise and runraisehide scripts
Quick Terminal F12
ToggleShowDesktop - script (action not implemented in Labwc yet)

mabox-labwc - more customized session

all from basic plus:
Labwc Config helper
Colorizer like stuff for Labwc theme
some jgmenu based goodies - if not possible to replace with wayland-native tools

Changelog and ISO pre-release


runraise script: F1- firefox, F2 - editor (geany), F3 - filemanager (doublecmd)
runraisehide script: F12- Quick terminal. W-r radio
toggleShowDesktop action replacement script: W-d or leftclick-on-desktop
– screenshots: Print - fullscreen, W-Print - area

2024-12-31 : second pre-release iso

– SnapToRegion with W-KP1..9

2024-12-29 : first pre-release iso



combination action
A-Tab activate next window
A-F4 close window
W-a toggle maximize
F11 toggle fullscreen
W-b toggle decorations
A-mouse-left move window
A-mouse-right resize window
A-arrow move window to edge
W-arrow resize window to fill half the output
W-keypad_1..9 resize window to regions
A-space show the window menu
XF86_AudioLowerVolume amixer sset Master 5%-
XF86_AudioRaiseVolume amixer sset Master 5%+
XF86_AudioMute amixer sset Master toggle
XF86_MonBrightnessUp brightnessctl set +10%
XF86_MonBrightnessDown brightnessctl set 10%-


combination application
A-F2 launcher (gmrun)
A-F3 launcher (bemenu)
W-Return, W-t foot
W-f filemanager (pcmanfm)
W-w webbrowser (firefox)
W-e editor (geany)
W-v volume (pavucontrol)
W-r internet radio (pyradio)
W-m sound and music menu (jgmenu)