Dinamyc keybind per window in herbolth

Following the guide here for Herbolth:

**2. Windows are dynamically binded to keyboard shortcuts**, so it is possible to reach any window with one or a few keystrokes.
Keybinds are presented on the window titlebar. Use <kbd>super + letter</kbd> to switch

I can not see any keybind presented on windows tittlebar.

Should I activate anything to see the letters?

thanks in advance


Yes, you are right.
Newest ISOs have this preinstalled but disabled by default.

Look at screenshot below to see how to enable it in autostart.

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Thanks a lot napcok.
Long time arch user and distro hopper here and I must say: I am really impressed .

Mabox contains almost everything I like from a distribution. I love tiling wm (bspwm, qtile, i3…) and I have installed mabox as my main OS after a while of testing.
Great job